On Monday 2nd December, our Girls’ Football Team represented Cheltenham Town in the Gloucestershire ESFA County Finals. This took place at Oxstalls Sports Park.
We played against Forest of Dean, South Gloucestershire and Tewksbury in our group. Unfortunately, we didn't progress to the regionals. Despite having a lot of the possession, we just couldn't get the ball over the line in the first two matches and then managed to win our last match 3-0. We then played another match against the 3rd place team from the other group which we also one 1-0.
They should be very proud of themselves for reaching the finals and representing Cheltenham Town and SVPS.
Well done to: Laura, Harriet, Niamh, Zofia, Aaliyah, Arabella, Rosie and Mia.
Many thanks to the parents for giving lifts and staying to support.
Mrs Brown 🙂
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