We recognise that times are quite hard for lots of people at the moment, and have decided to set up our very own SVPS Pantry.
If anyone is in need, of anything, please come along to the entrance hall and help yourself – there is no need to ask.
Likewise, if anyone has any spare items from time to time, please come along and pop them onto one of the shelves. We are looking for non-perishable food items (in date please), toiletries, nappies etc. See the next page for more suggested items.
Mrs Brown has also put together some easy to cook or budget recipes that you are very welcome to help yourself to.
Breakfast cereals
Pasta & rice
Pasta sauce
Tinned baked beans, spaghetti, ravioli, macaroni cheese
Tinned pies
Chopped tomatoes
Cook in Sauces
Tinned veg, e.g. sweetcorn, peas, carrots, potatoes etc.
Tinned fish, e.g. tuna, pilchards etc.
Tinned fruit & puddings e.g. rice pudding, semolina, custard etc.
Drinks, e.g. tea, coffee, bottles of squash
Biscuits (savoury & sweet)
Shower gel
Shampoo & conditioner
Bubble bath
Hand soap
Toothbrushes & toothpaste
Toilet paper
Baby wipes
Pupil Premium Funding
Newsletter 22 now available.