Gloucestershire County Council has provided schools with the Relationship and Sexual Education (RSE) resource.
It has been a long priority within the county to ensure that our young people access learning which supports them in forming strong positive, safe relationships in both a sexual and emotional context.
Now a compulsory element of the national curriculum, high quality RSE will ensure that our children and young people develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to cope with the pressures, and many challenges, of today's society.
It is an essential link in improving health and wellbeing and enabling young people in the decision making which leads to relationships, both sexual and emotional, being free from unwanted consequences such as the dangers of exploitation and abuse, unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection.
The teachers' planning and resource pack has been produced by the Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning Team by both teachers in the county and sexual health specialists.
It is intended to provide the support to ensure that quality, universal RSE is available throughout Gloucestershire.
Together we are confident that we can increase the impact of RSE in the county and make an important contribution to the health and wellbeing of our children and young people, enabling them to learn, achieve and flourish.
Please click the links below to see the resources being used in each Year Group:
Pupil Premium Funding
Newsletter 22 now available.