The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is funding provided to schools in additional to their main school funding. Schools are required to publish a breakdown of how this money is spent along with the impact of this funding, and plans for future spending.
Please click below to download our cuurent Pupil Premium Statement which includes plans for the current academic year.
Pupil Premium Strategy for Swindon Village Primary School for 2024-2025
Pupil Premium Strategy for Swindon Village Primary School for 2023-2024
Pupil Premium Strategy for Swindon Village Primary School for 2022-2023
Pupil Premium Strategy for Swindon Village Primary School for 2021-2022
Pupil Premium Strategy for Swindon Village Primary School for 2020-2021
Pupil Premium Strategy for Swindon Village Primary School for 2019-2020
Pupil Premium Strategy for Swindon Village Primary School for 2018-2019
Pupil Premium Strategy for Swindon Village Primary School for 2017-2018
Pupil Premium Statement for Swindon Village Primary School for 2016-2017
Pupil Premium Attainment for 2016-2017 for Swindon Village Primary School
Pupil Premium Funding
Newsletter 22 now available.