The school has a proud tradition of school uniform and we are most grateful for the continued support of parents. We believe that wearing school uniform ensures that the children are smart and gives them a sense of identity. It also makes life easier for parents. The school colours are red and white.
Grey trousers / shorts
Grey pinafore dress or skirt
White polo shirt
School sweatshirt with SVPS logo
Grey / black / white socks or red / grey tights
Black shorts for games / PE
T-shirt in house colours with SVPS logo for PE
PE bag
In the Summer, red and white checked dresses with white socks may be worn.
Flat, black closed-toe shoes are our preferred footwear. Trainers are unsuitable for wearing all day in school. We would prefer that parents don't send their children to school in open-toes sandals.
PE and polo shirts, sweatshirts and cardigans, red shorts, red baseball caps, reversible outercoats, tracksuits, book bags, PE bags and water bottles are all available from the school office.
For safety reasons, the school maintains strict rules about the wearing of jewellery etc; pupils cannot take part in PE unless all jewellery is removed; earrings can be taped over if ears have been pierced in the last six weeks. Parents should be encouraged to have their child's ears pierced at the beginning of the Summer holidays.
Hair should be neat and tidy. Children should have their hair tied back from their face. We would be grateful to parents if they would ensure that children arrive at school with "sensible" hair styles/colour. Hair should not be covered by a huge amount of hair accessories. For reasons of safety, during PE lessons long hair must be tied back with a soft band.
Please click here for our uniform order form.
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