Meet the team:
Class 1 teacher
Class 1 TA
Class 2 teacher
Class 2 teacher
Class 2 TA
EYFS Governor
Take a quick look at what we will be learning this year…
(For more detailed information please look at our Curriculum Overview below).
Our P.E day is a Thursday. Children will have their P.E kit in
school all term and will get changed there. We will also have our ‘Welly Boot’
sessions every other Thursday. Your child will come into school dressed in
clothes that you don’t mind getting muddy. If possible, please could you leave
a pair of welly boots at school too.
During the first few weeks of school, the Reception Team will carry out baseline assessments for the seven areas of learning in EYFS. This allows us to discover more about your child and their needs. This is nothing that you need to prepare for and it is not a ‘test’, we make it as fun and practical as we possibly can. Completing a baseline assessment gives us a snapshot of where pupils are when they first arrive at Swindon Village Primary school and helps us to measure the progress they have made by the end of Year 6.
Pupil Premium Funding
Newsletter 22 now available.