On Monday 13th February, we took 38 pupils from
our Dance Club to perform their dance. This took place at the Cheltenham Town
Hall, as part of the Gloucestershire Dance Festival. The age range was 6 to 11 years
old, boys and girls of all abilities. They have been practising this dance (to
a Kylie Minogue's song 'Magic') since October and have really enjoyed
For some, this was the first time they have ever performed on stage and to an audience. They were a little nervous, but the excitement soon took over and once on stage they gave it their all. Well done to every single one of you, for taking part, remembering the moves (well almost all of them) and to do it all with a smile on your face. You should be very proud of yourselves.
Thank you to the parents for supporting, attending and providing the costumes. Additional thanks to Mrs Isherwood and Mrs Williams for helping us at the venue.
Many Thanks again. Mrs Brown and Mrs Wilkins 🙂
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