Church Road, Swindon Village, Cheltenham
Contact Us Church Road, Swindon Village, Cheltenham

March 2022 Update

The Garden of Hope groups have been enjoying the Spring sunshine. So far in March we have organised the garden room with seating, posters and tidied it up ready to use when talking and planting. We have also rearranged the garden planters ready for flowers. We have planted seeds in the greenhouse, and arranged the tyres ready for our next project.


We are in need of some different coloured gloss paint to paint the tyres so we can use them as a flower bed and a main feature of the garden. If anyone has any small pots or half tins of gloss please drop off at the office - we only need 6 to 8 pots of different colours, so please check with the office if you have some and if it’s still needed. Any old paint brushes would be good too. We are also looking for an old garden bench, and an old low level table for children to use - coffee table size. If anyone has any of these items, they wish to donate, that would be amazing. Many thanks.

Mrs Brown and the Garden of Hope groups. 


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