On Friday 26th
November our Year 5/6 A team netball players took part in a tournament at
Chosen Hill School.
As you can see from the photos they were all very keen and excited, and played in good spirits considering the cold, windy and wet conditions. Outside for 5 hours was tricky but we all kept ourselves warm and jolly.
This was our first competitive netball for quite a while, and having only had a handful of Netball Club training evenings, they did extremely well. Unfortunately, we didn’t make the finals but enjoyed playing every match enthusiastically and energetically. All netball players have to rotate at half time so they all play every position, and everyone scored at least one goal each. They listened and took on board advice during the games and put into practise some of the skills taught during our club. The highlight for us was beating one school 6-0. All the other matches were much closer losing by 1 or 2 goals. I am extremely proud of their determination, and attitude in every match even when the opposition were quite physical they didn’t give up. Well done to; Bay, Sofia, Victoria, Phoebe, Isabelle, Ella, and Darcy who received a sports values band for determination from the organisers.
Many thanks also to Mrs Gay and Mrs Stevenson for providing lifts to and from this event, without this we wouldn’t have been able to go.
Mrs Brown
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