On Thursday
1st December, two Year 3 teams went to Cleeve School to play in a Bee
Netball Tournament against other local primary schools. They played extremely well, finishing 2nd overall. They took part in a passing competition and a shooting competition against the clock, then finished the afternoon off with
matches against the other schools.
The school with the highest points overall won. Two points were awarded for the ball passing through the hoop, and one point if it hit the rim without going in. SVPS came 2nd overall, which was amazing.
They all played really well and improved with each match. Their attitude was outstanding, they never gave up, and they encouraged each other throughout the afternoon. They were also very supportive if anyone missed a shot. It was a pleasure taking them and they should be very proud of themselves. It was so nice to be able to offer them this experience and opportunity to take part in a competitive event, especially after their Bee Netball sessions they received in school over the last 3 weeks. They were also awarded the Fair Play award (certificates) for the way they played to the rules and with respect for each other and the official.
Thank you to the parents who gave lifts their and back and stayed to support the teams, without their help we wouldn’t have been able to go.
Well done to: Ethan, Henry, Alfie, Ella, Rory, Sophie, Zofia, Rosie, Bear, Rafael, Ameliana, and Rosina who represented their classes and SVPS so well.
Mrs Brown.
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